Vacation! Vacation! Vacation! では、Cocoの旅行記をご紹介しています。

人生そのものが旅行の連続! 今も、ふわふわと空に浮かぶ雲のように風に流されるまま移動中です。

旅行先ではメインに写真を撮っています。無造作に電信柱に張られた小さいポスターや、象のカタチのノブ、人々の生活風景まで、ありとあらゆる物をファインダーに納めるのが好きです。バルセロナの旅では一週間で2000枚以上の写真を撮りました。後から見返してその時の記憶を呼び戻すことができる写真ってスバラシイ。それと旅行先で、普段見た事もないような物を食べてみるのも好き。Bizarre Foodsは好きなテレビ番組の一つ。


Welcome to my Vacation! Vacation! Vacation! Blog!  This blog contains my notes from the trips, in Japanese. I love traveling more than anything. I've lived in several cities in Japan when i was a kid. My entire life is a series of trips, and it still continues. 

On the road, I spend a lot of time taking pics. A tiny poster loosely pinned onto an utility poll, elephant shaped knobs at a cozy cafe, fantastic people, delicious foods...I capture everything that I encounter. I took more than 2,000 pics on 1-week Barcelona trip. (It sounds crazy, but it is always good to have something that I can see and recall the precious moment later, right???) Secondly, I love to eat something that I cannot find at home town. Bizarre Foods with Andrew Zimmern is one of my favorite TV shows obviously.

Choose one of the places on the right side menu. Once you are on the next page, you will find menus on the right side again. Enjoy!
All my notes might be out of date. I strongly recommend to check the visitor information before your visit!